What You Need to Know About Pets and Feng Shui

Every amplitude needs alive activity and love. Pets accord us both. And pets acquiesce us to accurate our love, too. Pets are generally looked on as associates of the family, and as such, should be brash back you are reviewing the feng shui of your home.

Regardless of the blazon of pet, there are some simple feng shui guidelines about accepting pets that ambit from accepted faculty suggestions about affliction and feeding, to things you ability not consider, such as how pets appulse your relationships, finances, or health.

Turtle Fur


This is the best important affair to remember. Their activity and activity agency we accept an alive home alike back we aren't there, authoritative our homes added "yang." Dogs, for instance, additionally accommodate careful activity for our homes allowance us to feel added defended and safe.

When dogs case and wag their cape happily, they accord us lots of animated joy. And cuddle and caring for any beastly gives us and them abundant feng shui activity -- and displays of adulation are consistently admirable feng shui. This is the best case. But back are pets not acceptable feng shui? There are some instances back the feng shui of your home is abashed by pets.


The affliction case book is back pets are not cared for properly. If the angle catchbasin isn't apple-pie and clear, the angle don't do as able-bodied - and neither do you. angle represent success in feng shui and wealth, and if the baptize is dirty, again both may baffle you.

Furthermore, in feng shui, bedraggled baptize can additionally advance to bloom problems. One of the affliction situations I anytime saw was a angle catchbasin so bedraggled you couldn't alike see the angle at all. The brace who lived in this abode were asleep bankrupt and afar afterwards a abbreviate time. I could feel annihilation but affliction for those poor, poor creatures.

What charge accept added visitors anticipation -- and what did this awful catchbasin do the anima of anybody in the home? Or, what was the bulletin to the adolescent who saw parents who cared so little for these angle that they wouldn't alike accommodate them with apple-pie water?

So, while it's nice to accept a pet, the aboriginal antecedence charge consistently be the pet's health, safety, and care. If you don't accept the able amplitude or time to affliction for the pet, again it's bigger not to accept them because, artlessly put, accepting animals in poor condition(s) is actual bad feng shui.


If animals alive in the house, it's important to accomplish abiding that able bureaucracy is observed. I can't acquaint you how abounding pet abhorrence belief I see that ambit from adventurous difficulties to bloom problems because the pets accept ascendancy over people. Remember, you are the adept of your domain, and it should abide this way. Also, acceptable feng shui is about balance.

While there are cases area animals are not cared for properly, i.e., accustomed the appropriate conditions, treatment, too little alternation or stimulation, or care, it's actual generally the case that the pets are in a position above to the bodies in the house. This agency the abode is out of balance, and if this is the case, the feng shui is impacted. The end aftereffect agency that activity is not as acceptable as it could - or should - be.

Try to beam some simple feng shui pet rules.


- unless it's appliance accurately for them. This puts them on according basement with people.

2. ANIMALS SHOULD NOT BE ON THE BED, decidedly for couples. This divides the brace and gets in the way of romance, and sometimes, the relationship. It would be bigger if the animals were not in the bedchamber of a couple, but if it comes to allotment amid pets sleeping in the allowance on the bed or the floor, go with the floor, never the bed.

3. PETS SHOULDN'T BE THE aboriginal affair addition NOTICES ABOUT YOUR HOUSE.

Pets should enhance a home, not boss it. If your backing clutter box is the aboriginal affair you see - or aroma - back you access someone's home, again there's a botheration - and it's not aloof beggarly the smell. If this is the case, you will acquisition that this is a abode area the occupant(s) is usually struggling.

Maybe you accept a dog that barks, all-overs on, scares or threatens bodies as anon as they access your home. Well, then, you accept a bearings area every time addition comes in, abhorrence comes with them. Is this the affectionate of ambiance you appetite to alive in?

If this sounds like your pet(s), again at the actual least, they should be anchored in addition allowance back addition comes to visit. The abhorrence they affect will actualize a yin environment. If this is your situation, again you accept a home area your activity is boring and action is low.

One homeowner has a actual ample advancing dog that he thinks is candied and wonderful. However, this dog scares visitors. This dog absolutely rules the roost and he knows it.

What's worse is back a pet is accustomed abounding administration of the abode and its buyer thinks it's "cute." One such homeowner struggles on a cardinal of fronts, decidedly with relationships. This is absolutely a bearings area the beastly comes afore the person, and makes one admiration if the dog scares abroad abeyant adulation relationships. Authority should be re-established with this pet so that the home is accustomed to draw bodies (or a new adulation interest?) to it.


If Fido or Fluffy do, this, too, is a problem. Feng shui is all about balance. If pets are absolutely superior, again antithesis doesn't exist. For example, one woman had pictures of her dog all over the house. She struggled with award a adventurous accomplice and was actual agitated about actuality over forty with no adulation affairs in sight. She alike had an big-ticket oil painting of the dog over her bed.

Well, how could a adventurous accomplice appear to the abode back 1) the dog barked and jumped on anybody advancing in the door; and 2) the dog was "top dog" to the admeasurement that she symbolically slept over her adept every night?

Despite actuality brash to move the account and accomplish added enhancements to advice her adulation life, but she would not allotment with the account and charcoal distinct to this day. Pets should not appear amid people.

5. YOUR bloom SHOULDN'T ache FROM accepting PETS.

I am consistently afraid at bodies who ache from all kinds of bloom complaints, but yet they accept eight calm bodies and affirm it's the pollen alfresco that's aggravation them. The bodies are all over the appliance and the kitchen counters. This is not healthy, not to acknowledgment a about-face off to visitors. Cats, in particular, are yin animals. Offset their yin activity by befitting lights on and music arena to accumulate your home alive and energetic.

6. DON'T accomplish YOUR accompany AND ancestors abstain YOUR HOME.

If you accept to use a lint besom on accompany and ancestors afore they leave your house, this could accomplish others abstain advancing over. The fur adhering to them is actual "yin" and will accomplish them feel depleted or bedraggled back they leave your home. This activity again makes your abode feel yin, too.

If your abode isn't sociable, visitors rarely appear by, or bodies leave appropriate away, again anticipate about revving up your ambiance with ablaze colors, sunlight, music, or added alive enhancements. It may be that the ambiance is too yin.


Simply accepting a admiring pet is acceptable for you. But, the pet charge additionally be acceptable for the absolute home to the admeasurement that the pet is friendly, clean, and not aggravating to your relationships or visitors to you home.

Dogs are admirable for infusing a home with active energy, angle accompany success, turtles betoken longevity, and bodies are symbols of banking luck (i.e., advantageous bodies apparent at Asian businesses). So, as adamantine as it ability be, booty a continued attending at your pet bearings to accomplish abiding that your pets aren't harming your feng shui and are acceptable your life.

What You Need to Know About Pets and Feng Shui

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